🟠Contract between the responsible entity and a pharmaceutical wholesaler for the storage or supply of medicinal products on behalf of the responsible entity.
What do you need to keep in mind?
➤The responsible entity and the pharmaceutical wholesaler may enter into a contract for storage or distribution.
➤The contract must be in writing, otherwise it is invalid and the wholesaler's activity becomes incompatible with its authorisation.
➤The subject matter of the contract can only be those medicinal products for which the responsible entity has obtained a marketing authorisation.
➤The scope of the wholesaler's activities under this contract must be in accordance with the authorisation The wholesaler is responsible for ensuring quality during the storage and distribution of medicinal products which are the subject of the contract.
➤The wholesaler is obliged to send a copy of the agreement, no later than 7 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement, to the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector via the electronic mailbox of the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate.
📣NOTE: On the basis of an agreement concluded in this way, the wholesaler may not supply medicinal products of the responsible entity to pharmacies.